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Become a nurse!

Nurses (Registered) (R.N.\'s) care for the sick and help people stay well. They provide for the physical, mental, and emotional needs of their patients. They observe, assess, and record symptoms, reactions, and progress; perform some treatments and examinations; administer medications; and assist in convalescence and rehabilitation. R N.\'s also develop and manage nursing care plans; instruct patients and their families in proper care; and help individuals and groups take steps to improve or maintain their health. Work setting determines their day-to-day job duties. Hospital nurses provide bedside nursing care to patients in collaboration with physicians. They are usually assigned to one area such as surgery, maternity, pediatrics intensive care, emergency room, or treatment of cancer patients or they may rotate among departments. They may supervise licensed practical nurses and aides. Nursing home nurses manage nursing care for residents with conditions ranging from a fracture to Alzheimer\'s disease. As well as administrative and supervisory duties, R.N.\'s also assess residents\' medical conditions, develop treatment plans, and perform procedures such as starting intravenous fluids. Public health nurses work in government and private agencies and clinics, schools, retirement communities and other community settings. They instruct individuals and families and other groups in health education, disease prevention, nutrition, childcare, and home care of the sick or persons with disabilities. They arrange for immunizations, blood pressure testing, and other health screening. Private duty nurses care for those needing constant attention. Office nurses assist physicians in private practice and may also perform routine laboratory and office work. Occupational health or industrial nurses provide nursing care at work sites. Head nurses supervisors direct nursing activities. They plan work schedules and assign duties to nurses and aide and provide or arrange for training. Nurses are licensed by the state and must have formal education.

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